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The different Types of students

 Your students are very different, and they work at their own pace. You’re trying to get insight to each of them, but sometimes you go down in flames. No worries. Just learn more about each type of student in your class. And check the series of recommendations below to make your classes more effective for all students.

1. Overactive

He always has a question to ask and comment to make. He joined a book, science, math, chess, debate, or glee club. Overactive personalities can be found just about everywhere, and they can become irritating, since other students in the class have no chance to make a name for themselves.  

2. Teacher’s Pet

These students take front seats in the class and laugh loudly at teachers’ jokes. They haunt teachers in school halls or torture them after class is over. They bombard educators with endless questions. The thing is, aside from annoying the other students, they immensely annoy teachers as well.  

3. Hard Worker

These students are highly motivated. They know what they want and how to achieve their goal. Even though they are not always the smartest in the class, they still try hard and really get what they want. No song, no supper, right?

4. Star

School celebrities can be famous/notorious for a huge number of reasons: They play sports, they are A-students, and more. They are just fabulous, no matter what they actually do. They have groups of both fans and haters, and this kind of student touches practically everyone’s feelings.

5. Intellectual Outsider

This outcast usually takes the back seat. He got used to the fact everyone in the class ignores him. He seems to be quite odd and misanthropic. Nevertheless, when talking to the Intellectual Outsider, you can be favorably impressed that this student is very smart!

6. Clown

Sometimes their jokes are funny. Sometimes they are not. However, Clowns are doing their best to carry their entertaining mission. Everybody must laugh: classmates, educators, and coaches.

7. Clueless

Clueless students have no idea what they’re doing over here. Educators also have no idea what clueless students are doing here. Clueless personalities hardly understand what’s going on around them and try to make everything clear. They ask questions. Billions of questions, many with already-discussed answers.

8. Nerd

Nerds prefer books to social life. Books are clever. Books don’t bully you. Books don’t ask stupid questions. What’s more, books fertilize your mind with superb ideas and make you monstrously intelligent.

9. Artist

They have a kind of a separate world where creativity and inspiration rule. Artists appear to be interested just in creative assignments and don’t stay motivated when performing other tasks. It’s very hard to pique Artists’ interest.

10. Drama Queen

This person wants to get some attention at any cost. And really loves dramas. You don’t have to join a drama club to be a Drama Queen. For this, you just need to be the center of attention when it comes to classmates and educators alike.

11. Bully

Bullies keep in awe Nerds and Intellectual Outsiders and other much weaker species. Even several years after, when school or university is in the past, Bullies’ victims recollect studying time with hatred. However, other students are of no interest for the roughs, since they can stand up for themselves.

12. Natural Leader

Natural Leaders have an inborn capacity to stand out like a sore thumb. They always have good ideas and know how to attract people. They are great examples to follow. That’s why students and teachers truly adore Natural Leaders. Or hate them.

13. Slacker

Practically nobody knows what he looks like. He’s such a rare guest that sometimes everyone forgets he’s their groupmate. However, Slackers appear on tests and make other students ask each other, “Who’s that guy?”

Now it’s high time for recommendations to make classwork more effective. The tips are based on Berkeley materials on teaching.

  • Define your studying goals, set objectives, let students know your expectations.
  • Plan a rhythm for your class, divide your class into sections and allow time for questions.
  • Try to talk rather than lecture, speak naturally using a conversational style instead of a formal one.
  • Keep eye contact with your students.
  • Build interaction: Encourage students to take part in discussions, organize brainstorming and group work.
  • Try to make your questions as clear as possible, make sure everyone hears what you’re saying.
  • Use the board, handouts or other means to visualize your words.
  • Be ready to receive feedback.


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